We have several significant improvements to iconpractice that have been implemented today.

The first is editable clinical records.  From today, clinical records can be edited for up to 24 hours after they are first created.  After that time they are locked. Edits are marked in the record with an entry like: “Edited by Matthew Holmes at Sun, 04/08/2013 13:11:06” at the bottom of the record.  At the bottom right of an entry which is able to be edited there will be the text “Edit”.  Click this to edit.

We have also introduced a “Contextual Lifestyle Information” section on the clinical record.  This allows you to enter information like spouse, children or pet names, where they are going on holiday etc.  Full details are here.

Another request from our users was an open style entry for the clinical records.  This is now available on the clinical records screen.  You can also now set which type of entry (Standard, Initial, Re-exam or Open) you want to have open on the clinical records.  Instructions are here.

Another update is a report tracking clinical entries.  This report gives a list of the patients who have appointments booked for the given date ranges and whether they have clinical entries. This is particularly useful to run at the end of each shift to check that you have completed the necessary clinical entries on a patient. Details here.

Lastly, you can set the order in which stock items are displayed in the Transactions entry in the diary.  This will make it possible to have your most popular items toward the top of the list.  You can set the order under Settings->Stock.

Please note as these updates have involved changes to the code base you may need to clear your browser cache in order to access them.  If you are having any problems with the system please do this first.  This article discusses how to do this for most browsers.


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